Time Chroniclers update:

We're working hard to get our next set of Time Chroniclers ready to go. We'll have the first half of the series recorded, Lord wiling, by the end of August . God is teaching us a lot in this series. We've been blessed by volunteers who are helping us make an impossible task (like producing a broadcast that normally costs $150,000 to produce, with literally no income) possible. From those actors giving their time, producers who have given time, to those who have given money (some of which were our actors), I'll say as the apostle Paul says, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."

At the end of the last recording, Pat left on an adventure to revisit Ghost Ranch. Stay tuned for his journey back to where it all started.

Also, if any one would like to get involved in being a part of the series, please contact us on our contact page.

God is on the move!