Our presenter is Pat Roy. Pat served at the Institute for Creation Research for 12 years as the Director of Broadcast Media. It was during this time at ICR that he and his wife created the Jonathan Park audio dramas, a creation-based audio drama heard by millions around the world. They recently created a new audio drama called, Time Chroniclers. Pat has served as Director at Genesis Apologetics. He has traveled the nation speaking to hundreds of audiences, of all ages, about the importance of trusting God's Word.
For Creation-Based Comedy, click here!
The Presentation Deli
Where we Custom Make Presentations to Order
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To request Pat to Make a presentation, Please fill out the form at the bottom.
Below is Our Menu of topics .
You may choose any entree, or combine a few to make your own custom presentation.
* Indicates that this topic could be chosen for a hands-on workshop.
Creation Talks
Debunking the Flat Earth
Soon, The Creation Guys will be debuting their brand new documentary debunking the flat earth. We believe that more Christians are converting to this idea, than any other time in history. You can now invite The Creation Guys to present a solid Biblical & scientific case against the modern flat earth idea. This presentation will include lots of videos, clips from astronaut, Charlie Duke, and much more exciting media. The goal will be to declare the glory of God.
*Reaching Teens with the Creation Message
Most Christian students will reject the Christian faith of their parents by the time they finish college! Why is this happening, and how do we fix it? This presentation is designed to give practical answers.
*The Journey to Novarupta
The biggest eruption in modern times happened in the Alaskan Peninsula in 1912. It was 30 times larger than Mount Saint Helens. A couple of years later Dr. Robert Griggs led an expedition into the blast zone. His book would inspire another explorer almost a hundred years later to return to this amazing wilderness to documents the evidence for a worldwide flood, and a biblical ice-age!
Watch the entire presentation on YouTube.
*The Age of the Earth
The earth is claimed to be considered old due to the fossils and layers. But where do those fit into the Bible? Before Creation? During Creation? After Creation? And what about the scientific evidence? This presentation shows that we can trust the chronologies of the Bible when it confirms that the world is only thousands of years old, not millions.
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
*Ice Age
There are proofs from all around the world that there was an ice age. But where does that fit into the Bible, and is there evidence for it?
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
*Tower of Babel
The account of the Tower of Babel provides an amazing explanation for the origin of the people’s groups and language.
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
*Creation Evangelism
It’s great to know all the Biblical and scientific apologetics, but they’re useless unless you know how to use them to share the Gospel with others!
*Why Does it Matter?
Imagine the difference between believing that you were created by random chance processes – or the idea that you were designed by God with purpose. This presentation will contrast the differences between these two worldviews.
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
Dinosaurs confuse Christians more than just about any other topic that we’ve dealt with. This presentation will talk about dinosaurs living with man, dinosaur soft-tissue discoveries, and dinosaur graveyards -- and how they make a strong case for the worldwide Flood. We’ll also bring real dinosaur fossils with us so your group can actually handle them!
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
*Mount Saint Helens
In May of 1980 this eruption forever changed scientists’ thinking about catastrophism. Hear about layers that formed in a matter of hours, canyon systems that were carved in months, a new understanding of supposedly ancient petrified forests, and how quickly God has designed nature to recover.
*Problems for Evolution
There are some serious problems for the idea that mutations and natural selection can drive evolution forward. In this presentation the audience will actually be taught the theory of evolution, and why it doesn’t work.
*The Human Genome
Dr. John Sanford wrote a book called “The Mystery of the Human Genome”. This presentation will bring some of the concepts in that book to life from a layperson’s perspective.
*The Worldwide Flood
Certainly, the worldwide Flood of the Bible would leave behind evidence? Hear the compelling case for this amazing account in Genesis.
Evolutionists often claim that fossils are the best proof for evolution, but a closer look supports the worldwide flood of the Bible.
*The Six Days of Creation
This presentation will take an audience through the first chapter of Genesis – and show how it was like a love letter to mankind!
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
*Ape Men Fossils
A recent survey shows that teens believe that ape men fossils are the strongest proof for evolution. This presentation will show that the evidence clearly shows something else.
*Made in God’s Image
One of the biggest battles is the true value of humans. This presentation will show that our meaning and purpose comes from God himself!
Hear an excerpt from this presentation.
*Origin of the Universe
There are only two basic options. Either nature itself created the universe, or it was designed by a Creator. Find out which fits the evidence best.
*The Origin of Life
A known law in science is that life can only come from life. But how does evolution get around this law? Is there a better explanation?
*The Design of Animals
Probably the biggest case against evolution is the design we see all around us. This presentation is a mix of videos and example of some pretty amazing animals that challenge evolution.
*The Laws of Thermodynamics
The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy/matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law states that disorder in the universe is always increasing. Together, these laws completely invalidate the idea that the universe could create itself, but it is in harmony with the Bible.
The Scopes Trial
In 1925 there was a trial in America that changed the world’s trust in God’s Word. In this presentation we’ll review the main evidence given during the case, and show what we know about the evidence almost 100 years later.
You’re Unique... Just Like Everyone Else
This is a comedy routine that is designed to help your audience understand the scientific and Biblical case for creation while having fun. For more info, click here.
Please Fill Out the Form Below to Request a Presentation
Seniors & Children Menu (or any age)
In the past, we've tailored just about every presentation to any age group. We teach the same basic concepts, but will make it age-appropriate. We have experience with elementary and high schoolers in the same session -- or even a completely mixed group of all ages!
We'll Cater to Any Venue!
We can customize any presentation to fit your needs:
Homeschool Co-ops, Youth Groups, High School Christian Clubs, Church Services, Adult Sunday Schools, Weekend Conferences, Weekly Series, Summer Camps, VBS Presentations, AWANA, Hands-On Workshops, Bible Study Groups, College Classes
Any Gathering!
Menu Prices
There is no required honorariums for any of our presentations! We believe that if we are faithful to come to where we are invited, that the Lord will cover our needs.
This allows us to bless groups that do not have a budget to bring-in a speaker, knowing that other groups down the road might bless us more than we expected.
We are based in Vancouver, WA. We ask that overnight costs will be covered, as well as any workshop materials.
However, free-will offerings are always appreciated when appropriate!
New Presentations in 2019!
As an affiliate of Genesis Apologetics, we are excited to offer the following presentations:
Debunking the Top 10 Pillars of Evolution Taught in Public Schools
This talk explores the 10 main pillars of evolution teaching that are taught over 50 hours and 250 pages of CA school curriculum (similar in other states). We succinctly point out the major limitations with each of these and show how the evidence actually better supports the Creation account in Genesis.
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Did dinosaurs really live millions of years ago? The Bible certainly doesn’t support this, and major scientific breakthroughs (e.g., dinosaur soft tissue) that have emerged over the last 20 years actually shows that the dinosaur fossil record better aligns with a recent worldwide Flood!
Noah’s Flood: Fact or Fantasy
There are numerous lines of evidence that support the worldwide Flood described in Genesis 6-9. Come join us for a visually-rich tour of recent Flood evidence!
Debunking Human Evolution
Our research shows that the idea that humans evolved from an ape-like ancestor millions of years ago is the #1 reason that people believe in evolution theory. Yet the evidence that supports this claim is incredibly absent! Come join us as we show how the Bible’s account of human origins better fits the data.
Non-Creation Related Topics
Live the Adventure
This is a series of talks that were used at a summer camp but could be broken into individual talks. The theme is daring to live full-on for God. The sessions include:
Dare to Be a Radical
Offer Yourself as a Living Sacrifice
The Abundant Life
God Wants You to Live the Adventure
Daniel: Standing, Even When It Means Standing Alone
This is a series of talks that were used at a summer camp but could be broken into individual talks. The theme is standing strong for God. The sessions include:
Obeying God
Prepare for Your Mission
Use Your Talents
Don’t Go with the Crowd
Be Courageous
Pride Goes Before a Fall
Sin Leads to Death
Stand Firm
Impacting Others for God
Going Home