Creating an Eternal Story Workshop
Saturday, December 10th, 2022
Lynchburg, Virginia
9:00am - 4:00pm With an hour break for lunch (meal not provided).
Did you know most writers never finish their story? After an exciting start they become bored or lost — well before they make it to the end.
This workshop is here to help! We will go step-by-step so by the end of the day, you’ll have everything you’ll need to write your complete story… BEFORE you even write the first sentence. Best of all you’ll end up with a story where every sentence, paragraph, and scene are filled with purpose!
Knowing the content and purpose of every scene will give you storytelling superpowers! Instead of writing from beginning to end, this workshop will teach you how you can start by writing the scene you’re most passionate about, then the next one that catches your eye. Can you imagine the power of a story in which every scene was written with passion (instead of writing from beginning to end)?
This workshop is designed for any age — students and/or adults!
Are you a young person that would like to learn the art of storytelling? Are you an adult who has a book inside you that needs to get out? Attendees must simply be passionate enough to be engaged for an all-day workshop.
Based on the workbook, Creating an Eternal Story
By Pat Roy
All attendees will receive a free copy of the workbook (a $19.95 value)!
This workbook has a “fill-in-the-blank” approach to helping you brainstorm your entire story. Both the book, and the workshop cover these steps for you to create your story:
- Choose an Eternal Message
- Choose a Powerful “What If…?”
- Character Driven or Plot Driven
- Create Characters
- Create Character Arcs
- Understand Story Arc
- Act One Story Arc
- Act Two Story Arc
- Act Three Story Arc
- Story Concept
- Outline Your Story
- Storytelling Insights
- Write Your Story
- Edit Your Story
- The Ultimate Story
You can find also find the book at Barnes & Noble (if you aren’t signing-up to get one free).
Our Instructor is Pat Roy. Pat started writing professionally for the Institute for Creation Research. He wrote thousands of radio broadcast scripts (over a 12-year period) – a weekend radio show, daily broadcast features, audio documentaries, and articles for Acts & Facts. In 1999, he and his wife, Sandy, wrote the book, Jonathan Park and the Secret of the Hidden Cave. That book went on to become the audio adventure series that audiences have enjoyed for over 20 years! During that time Pat wrote (or edited) 120 episodes of Jonathan Park. Later, he went on to write the Journey to Novarupta audio trilogy & video documentary. He and his wife, Sandy also wrote the video series, Debunking Evolution. Pat worked with Sandy to co-write the Time Chroniclers audio adventures. Pat is currently co-writing (with Sandy) a new video series to soon be released by Answers in Genesis called, Kashtan’s Wild Life in the Zoo.
Pat Roy
$50 per attendee (Includes the workbook valued at $19.95)
Price drops to $30 if more than 30 people sign-up!
Registration fee not collected until the day of the workshop.
Register Here
Saturday, December 10th, 2022 - 9:00am - 4:00pm With 1 hour lunch break (meal not provided).
Lynchburg, Virginia
Use one form per participant.
Ian Bultman
Endorsement by Ian Bultman, Creator/Writer for the Brinkman Adventures
According to a recent survey, 81% of Americans hope to write a book someday. In reality, only around 40% of us will ever start that book. An even smaller 1.2% will succeed in finishing it. And only a fraction of that percentage will ever publish their story. These are sobering statistics for prospective writers. But take heart, there is hope, and you are holding it in your hands!
The very fact that you bought Creating an Eternal Story means you are probably in the 1.2 percentile that will finish your book. I’d even go so far as to predict that some of you will have your stories published! How can I say that?
Simple. You are allowing an expert storyteller to become your mentor. Pat Roy’s methods are proven. He has written or co-written over 130 stories that have gone on to touch millions of people. You are about to meet an amazing and encouraging teacher who will carefully guide you in the craft of storytelling.
Throughout this workbook, Pat generously shares tricks of the trade that have helped make the Jonathan Park series such a massive success. He includes easy-to-follow steps while helping you navigate the trickier points of advanced storytelling. While there are many writing how-to books out there, this one is unique. It presents complex techniques in an understandable manner. More importantly, it includes God and faith in the creative process, bringing incredible clarity and purpose to your writing with the potential to change lives for eternity!
About ten years ago, I found myself floundering as an inexperienced writer, trying to lead an ambitious project, but with zero experience. I reached out to Pat, who graciously shared some of the points you are about to learn. Years later, I still remember what he taught me, and I continue to draw on the wisdom he shared that day. I’m guessing that by the end of this book, you, like me, will come to appreciate Pat as a person and the wonderful mentorship he offers.
If you are a new writer, Creating an Eternal Story has the potential to change everything!! (And if you’re a seasoned pro, you will likely discover some new gems.) But don’t just take my word for it, turn the page and go for it! I’m betting that before you know it, you will have finished that story. And I wouldn’t be surprised at all if one day soon, I find myself holding a copy of your new book in my own two hands.
Pat recently taught this same workshop at the 2022 Christian Worldview Film Festival.
Pat Roy writes like the best kind of parent or teacher — one who doesn’t look down on us for not knowing it all yet. And does he ever know storytelling! Better yet, he knows how stories are part of the very fabric God has built into human existence. Long before a student shares their results publicly, this manual will widen their awareness of God’s work in their own ‘story’. And I fully expect powerful stories to come out of this book for years to come! - Cheri Fields, 2nd Generation Homeschooler, Children’s Author, and Editor